Sunday, July 1, 2012

How to Win Social Respect: The Modern Way

Are you in need of Advanced Anti-Aging Regenerating Serum Moisturizer? This Olay Regenerist Advanced Anti-Aging Regenerating Serum Moisturizer Fragrance-Free 1.7oz is all you need!

Are you one of those people who experience tremendous depression because of physical discrimination? I am one of them. I have a very flat nose but now I have my nose job done. Right as of the moment, many have appreciate me for being cute with my long nose. That is the modern way to be appreciated! 
Are you one of those people who have a bad skin complexion? Bad skin complexion is not good! Totally, it damages your total image in the society. Westernized countries nowadays love to see white skin. Here in the Philippines, glutathione is the answer. Glutathione is for skin whitening as it detoxifies the many foreign compounds and improves our immune system. Black and bad skin condition? No more problem. Glutathione intake is the real solution.

If you hear about the botox of Charice Pempenco, you will be amazed how the internatinal singing sensation portrays her role in Glee with confidence. She thinks she is the girl already. We love that! Why not undergo a botox for us to boost our self-confidence?
Learning to make our physical appearance tasteful to look at makes our social appearance wonderful. It is the modern way to be respected. Ugly people will never gain respect in this modern world. Ugly people must strive to undergo plastic surgery.

Please believe me when I say that in the corporate world nowadays, if you are one of those ugly applicants, your percentage of getting hired is slower than those pretty girls. This sucks a lot butthis is the reality nowadays.

This is the truth: In this age of modern technology, staying ugly is indeed a crime!

By the way before this article would end, I would love to give you the top 10 best surgeons of the world.

The Top 10 Plastic Surgeons in the World

1. Doctor Ivo Pitanguy
Ivo Pitanguy Clinic,
Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Lourinhã,
Rua da Misericórdia, 2530-120, Brazil
Tel: +351 261 410 127

Pioneer in aesthetic surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery

2. Dr Olivier H. de Frahan
15, rue de l’Amiral d’ Estaing, 75116, Paris
+33 1 47 27 08 04

Plastic and cosmetic surgery including botox, fillers and lipostructure. Dr. Olivier H. de Frahan specialises in and is renowned for his natural looking techniques for both eyelids and facelifts.

3. Sydney Coleman
44, Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212 571 5200

Specialises in lipostructure, a fat grafting technique used to restore the fullness lost during ageing

4. Sherrell Aston
728 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021

Renowned for development of FAME (finger-assisted malor elevation) technique for facelifts)

5. Dr Michel Pfulg
7. Dr Des Fernandes
Ave de Collonge 43
1820 Montreux-Territet
+41 21 966 70 00

Facelifts, rhinoplasty, breast surgery, liposuction, abdominal plasty, lipostructure: all the surgical techniques used at LACLINIC are innovative.
6. Jorge Herrera
Universiddo Del Salvador, Plastic Surgery Division
J. E. Urivuru 1346, Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54 11 48 22 20 14

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Level 3,
Renaissance Body Science Institute,
183 Bree Street,
Cape Town, 8001, SA
+27 21 424 4868

Developed the ‘Suture Suspension’ technique for restoring dropped tissues back to their original youthful place.

8. Woffles Wu
1 Orchard Boulevard
Suite #09-02
Singapore 249615
Tel: (65) 6733 9771

One of the most sought after speakers around the world demonstrating his knowledge of BOTOX, Fillers, IPL Photo rejuvenation and his invention, the WOFFLES LIFT to achieve facial rejuvenation without downtime.

9. Dr Raj Kanodia, M.D
414 North Camden
Beverly Hills, California, 90210, USA
(310) 276-3106

Specialising in Rhinoplasty, Botox, fillers and facial contouring

10. Dr José Juri
Argentina’s leading plastic surgeon, specialising in everything but specifically breast implants.

Live brightly! Win social respect by having a wonderful face!

When it comes to beautifying ourselves, the following beauty regiments might help you have an outstanding  physical looks.

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